Preparation of Castelanotti Oil
Agrodelpa alternates between a mechanised harvesting system, with the use of vibrating machines, and a more conventional complementary system. The olive harvest takes place when the fruit is at its optimum point of ripeness, as in this way the organoleptic qualities of the oil are intensified.
Our exhaustive quality control system begins from the moment the olives arrive at our production facility. A production control chart is opened for each new batch and this quality control chart includes all details pertaining to harvest location, arrival date, variety of olive as well as any additional comments relating to quality and general condition. We then weigh the vehicle twice: first loaded with the olives and then again after unloading into reception containers.
Next, we put the olives through a thorough cleaning process that ensures the removal of any
leaves, soil or stones that may be detrimental to the quality of the finished product. The olives are also washed if they arrive in a muddy condition or if there are small stones present in the crop. Otherwise, they pass directly to the weighing machine which allows us to note down the weight of the delivery on the control chart.
We systematically and mechanically take samples of the cleaned olives for analysis in a laboratory approved by the local Authority.
Once the olives have been stripped clean, washed (if deemed necessary) and weighed, they pass on to one of four special hoppers, each of which can handle up to 50,000kg at a time. The presence of these four “tolvas” allows us to separate the olives by variety, quality, date received or other criteria. The time the olives remain in these containers before being pressed is less than thirty hours.
For the milling, mills are used that crush the olive until it reaches a uniform size of 4-6mm, thus obtaining an olive paste. This paste is then sent to the mixer which has a double stainless steel wall and hot water circulates in its interior. The olive paste is therefore beaten and heated at the same time. Through this process, the oil is excreted from its “cells” and binds together in drops. The beating time is approximately 75 to 90 minutes, at a maximum temperature of 28 degrees.
This is carried out through mechanical procedures, using the ecological decanter system. With this system, the components of the beaten olive paste are centrifuged: oil, vegetable water, pulp and stone. As each component has a different density, three concentric rings are formed during the horizontal centrifugation which allows each component to be extracted through different channels.
The resulting oil passes through to the clarifiers and vertical centrifuges, so that any remaining impurities can be removed through settling.
Also extracted is the olive pomace, a paste that contains a very low percentage of oil, vegetable water, pulp and olive stone. Three by-products are obtained from this compound. Firstly, a lower quality oil or “aceite de repaso” is obtained that is not used for sale. Secondly, the olive stones are extracted and, once crushed and dried, used as fuel for the boiler of the oil press. Finally, the remaining olive pomace is sent to the composting plant where, after a long rotation and irrigation process, it is turned into compost to fertilise the land.
Our cellar is home to 8 stainless steel tanks, each with a capacity of 50,000 kilos. These containers have a sloping base so that we can clean out any possible impurities, and they are also equipped with elements that allow for the inertisation of the oil. This inertisation process consists of applying nitrogen to the base of the containers. When this nitrogen moves upwards it displaces the oxygen. This process prevents the oil from oxidising and helps to ensure its optimum preservation.
Before bottling, the oil passes through fine paper filters that contain “talc” which remove any remaining humidity or impurities. We use glass bottles of different sizes: 750ml., 500ml. and 250ml., PET bottles of 5l., 2l. and 1l, we also provide Arbequino 5 litres tins.
The packaged oil is marketed through online sales and at different stores. All domestic and international orders are home delivered if the customer so wishes.